Sleeplessness = Unhealthiness

The problems associated with insomnia and sleep deprivation were the subjects of a recent television program produced by The National Institute of HealthThe Public Good Projects and the National Geographic Channel. It aired on November 30, 2014, and the information presented was eye-opening.

Sleeplessness, which medical experts define as getting less than six hours per night of sleep, is a risk factor for many life-threatening diseases. For example, a lack of sleep can cause obesity which can lead to diabetes, heart disease and cancer.


Without the restorative effect of sound sleep, mental disorders such as depression, anxiety attacks and substance abuse are more likely to occur. Even the destruction of the brain tissue found in people who are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, can be exacerbated by sleep deprivation.

The prescription drugs, taken by millions of people to induce sleep, can also cause problems, become addictive and can be expensive. Medical research is clear – sleep is crucial to health. For most adults, 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night is absolutely necessary to optimize an adult’s immune system, libido, mental faculties and overall well-being.


If you have trouble falling asleep or any of the above symptoms, it’s possible your hormones are out of balance. Hormone imbalance is extremely disruptive to the health and sleep habits of many people. It is critical that the metabolic hormones and the brain hormones, also known as neurotransmitters, are optimized because they work synergistically, Hot flashes and night sweats are symptoms of unbalanced hormones and these can also lead to sleeplessness.


There are usually multiple reasons for sleeplessness. Factors such as thyroid imbalance, low testosterone or low cortisol levels can prevent the neurotransmitters in the brain from functioning correctly. This can create anxiety and/or depression which in turn  leads to insomnia.


With  BioTE bio-identical hormone pellet replacement we evaluate not only estrogen and testosterone levels, but also the need for progesterone and thyroid replacement. Included in our panel of lab is a metabolic profile, Vitamin B12 and D levels, lipid profile, and assessment for anemia. Dr. Trussell will also take a thorough history and discuss your medications with you, as well as offer advice for reduction of cancer risk.

Call today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Trussell. As much as you do for others, shouldn't you be doing something for yourself to stay as healthy as possible? This makes for a great New Year's resolution!

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